Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Same Same but Different

During the summer I went traveling through Thailand and Malaysia, I had a really wonderful time and met some amazing people  who I will hopefully keep in contact with.  During my time overseas I felt there was a huge backpacker community and wherever you were you always had the ability to meet people and become friends.  Even though the same questions get asked and usually have the same answers you know you can sit on the beach or in a cafe and meet someone who you have something in common with.  The long journeys on small mini buses with crazy drivers who seem to not have the ability to use a brake are scary but you always find people to share food, stories and games with.  

It is completely different in the Western world.  I traveled up to Newcastle a few weeks ago by coach.  On the whole journey I spoke to one person.  I found it so odd that there wasn't that sense of 'we are all in this together'  (it was a 7 hour coach trip).  

I think what I am saying is that I find it so strange that on the other side of the world you can make amazing short term and long life friends but in the UK you have to have school, work or other friends in common to become friends and gain a sense of community.  


Lucy said...

Hi Rosie i travelled for a year like that...the people i met along the way i still keep in touch with and are some of my closest friends. Funny how in a couple of days you can be telling these strangers things you've never told anyone before. My trip for me was very theraputic!
I think you are a travelling community, you need each other to survive...for entertainment and friendship where as just on a bus to Newcastle you'll have people who know where they're going and what they are doing so don't feel the need to communicate with other...i think its sad but it's also very british! Was nive to read a entry that is though provoking!

Rosie said...

When i got back I was on a train home from kingston and when i got home i just cried....i was just like omng u cant talk to anyone I want to be back in asia!