Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Very angry with the state of the nation

A massive rant is about to take place...
Why is it that when I turn on BBC 2 politics today is it that I find 70 year old white stuck up men hounding my television!!! Parliament needs to CHANGE. I think I am quite politically in the know but I feel so disenfranchised. There is no one in politics talking to my generation and we are the generation who in a few years will be taking seats in Parliament. My voice is not being heard. These MPs pretend to be in the know but they are not. They have children who are living it up in private schools and so have no knowledge of what is happening in state schools they just want health and safety boxes to be ticked. This inevitavly means that a huge portion of the population has no interest in what is happening and this means the only politics that is taking place is the stuff that is either in the press everyday or is in the interest of the MPs themselves. As much as I hate to say it I think Cameron will be a good thing for government, he is mildly young, if not a bit pretentios, but he seems to have an eye for what is happening. But of course there is still the demographic of the country, which is not being reflected. I say out with the old in with the new. Lets stop these biggots and all go crazy. Lets throw purple flour all over the f*****rs!! let them deal with some stuff, because apparently all they need to deal with is if they get the sack because of buying some porn on expenses or taking care of their mote!


Mark Griffin said...

I agree the scenes on the TV today were laughable and from the Commons point of view fairly self-indulgent. The change of speaker is completly cosmetic and means nothing. The expenses scandal has helped Cameron clear out some of the dead wood in his party and has damaged Labour - crazy this when you look at the way so many Tories have abused the system. He might be the coming man but I really fear the cuts to education and international development will affect the poorest people in the world. If he wins it will be the triumph of style over substance.

Rosie said...

That's fine because of course you are an educated man and understand the politics of it. Labour needs to buck up its ideas and get some lovely charismatic politicians sitting on the front benches...this is partly why blair did so well he understood how to speak to the nation. we need to start improving how politics is introduced and taught at schools otherwises the population cannot make informed choices.