I've just been scrolling through Facebook about an hour after we all got to see Nick Griffin splattered over our televisions. Honestly, I knew his appearance on QT would be a really climactic event but I didn't realise just how many people would be watching. Pretty much all facebook statuses are pronouncing him as an absolute div' and this is coming from all ages, social and ethnic backgrounds. I think the public reaction tomorrow will be very interesting. We have to remember it was a London audience tonight and Londoners are probably the most multi-cultural community in Britain and we have no tolerance for racial discrimination or homophobia. I hope this is mirrored throughout the country and I'm sure it will be.
Jack Straw is just as much of an dick as Nick! I mean would you like to dodge the question anymore Jack? Immigration policies should be about our resources and capability to cope with migration. Isn't it that simple? For once I agree with the Tories. A cap should be placed annually which allows for a healthy environment for all. That doesn't mean literally turning people away but I think it comes down do we have enough jobs available? But a woman in the Question Time audience did have a great point to make. A lot of 'British' people won't do the jobs that are deemed working class. But qualified doctors coming here will clean houses etc proudly. Being on of the many who has recently been forced to sign on it suprised me that I was only asked to apply for three jobs a week. I think it is essential that the public understand the importance of a good education and the importance of earning your own money. I find it appauling that I am going to be given money for doing absolutly nothing. Though I am hoping I will get a job before money is handed over to me on a silver platter.
Moving on, why are we still talking about Enoch Powell? His famous speech was before I was born. It hardly seems to be relevant anymore and has no reflection on politics today? Similarly, why are we talking about our forefathers. They did a great job but can we please focus on today and the future. Its all very well talking about previous mistakes and political catastrophes but we can't change that so why have such an emphasis on the past?
Bonnie Greer said it most fantastically, the British people have common sense. Can this now please be reflected in the government? At the moment I could careless who was in power (well obviously the BNP should be no where near Parliament). Massive change needs to take place and we need to get the oldies out and bring some new fresh faces in. I am so bored of looking at Gordon, Jack, David, Boris. They are old fogies who look as if death is just around the corner. How will they ever follow through with any of their policies?
Friday, 23 October 2009
Love the World
Posted by Rosie at 00:39 0 comments
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Its off...
Posted by Rosie at 21:22 0 comments
Catch 22 - Helping Young People Out
Posted by Rosie at 11:52 0 comments
Labels: Base Connextions, Catch 22
Friday, 21 August 2009
My Booky Wook
Posted by Rosie at 12:27 0 comments
Labels: My Booky Wook, Russell Brand
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
NIE Blog
I just wanted to say that the NIE blogs make me laugh a lot especially the recent one about being locked in a flat.
Posted by Rosie at 15:31 0 comments
Monday, 17 August 2009
First day at The Space
Posted by Rosie at 20:03 0 comments
Labels: The Space
Sunday, 16 August 2009
My First Edinburgh Festival
Posted by Rosie at 20:43 0 comments
Labels: Destination GB, Edinburgh Festival 2009, Metamorphosis, Ritter Denne Voss, The Bite-sized Breakfast
Monday, 13 July 2009
The real world is boring, full of swine flu and makes you very sarcastic!
Posted by Rosie at 22:52 1 comments
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Very angry with the state of the nation
Posted by Rosie at 22:42 2 comments
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
A very cultural 21st Birthday!
Posted by Rosie at 22:18 0 comments
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Definently not going to be the next Speilborg (is that even how you spell his name?)
I am sitting in house I have been in for less than 24 hours listening to some REM and having a bit of a facebook stalk....this is the life of a production assistant on a low budget film in a beautiful house in Kew. I am being paid and I have learnt all about fake blood but this is definently not the industry for me. Film just does not not compare to theatre. None of the actors (there is one at the moment) have rehearsed and it takes literally an hour to film one shot. It all seems a bit silly to me! Where is the audience??? Who is actually going to see this film? Is it going into affect any change. I MISS KALKU!
We were here until 4am last night and it looks the same tonight. The cast and crew are filming on location at the moment and I have been put in charge of looking after the house. I do enjoy the responisbility of this job but it comes with a lot of sittig around and not really being able to see much of the filming. But I have made some good contacts and will be working with Ray ....... he was in Harry Potter next weekend. And I also sat next to Jonny Wilkinson yesterday having a coffee, he is even more good looking in real life!
Posted by Rosie at 22:38 0 comments
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Finding a job
When your not really sure what you want to do but definently need money there is a huge difficulty in finding a job particularly when there is credit crunch happening. I am officially a graduand, a term I only found out last week, it means I have finished my degree and am awaiting my results. So now I am in limbo. No job, No money, No life! I am applying for jobs everyday, trying to stay away from retail, bar work and office jobs but this is very hard. All the jobs I have applied for so far I seem to be totally underqualified for. The problem I'm finding is you need more than six months experience which is how long I was working on Kalku for. There is only so much experience you can blag. I have found a job for the next two weekends as a production assistant on a low budget film which although is not very good money it is good for my CV. At this moment in time I am thinking of dipping into my savings so I can do the TEFL course which costs far too much money than I care to think about and then hopping on a plane to teach in Cambodia. But with the costs of the course, flights and visas I am not too sure I can afford it and I also have to pay off the horrible overdraft I stupidly decided to take out in my second year. But it seems to me I can gain very good experience doing this and will benefit me in the long run. Day time television is becoming very boring, I can't even afford to buy the next book I want to read in the Twilight series (very good if you like a tacky story about vampires and young love).
All in all I think we have realised the credit crunch is CRAP and the only way to escape it is to crawl into a cave and grow your own food and become totally self sufficient, have no friends and be a complete SNORE!
Posted by Rosie at 15:06 1 comments
Saturday, 23 May 2009
The Shrinking Land of Kalku

Posted by Rosie at 15:36 0 comments
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
The End of the Beginning
So I'm approching the last week of my degree and it is very scary! I had my last ever lecture yesterday and as yet it hasn't hit me that actually I will be leaving St Mary's very soon. Though I am very excited about starting a career and working with professionals. Each week my life plan changes. First of all I wanted to go travelling as soon as I could afford it and then it changed to moving to York in September then I decided to wait until 2010 to move to York and work until then. But I think I am back at the beginning again, travelling was the most amazing experience I have ever had and I think I need to do it again before I settle down for good. My play at the moment is to graudate (hopefully) and then get a lovely job in a call centre, bore myself to near death and then jump on a plane to Bangkok. However, I do want to carry on with drama until then so working and doing drama at the same time has also been on my mind. I think at the moment all I can do is play it by year and see what happens. Although I think travelling is a definate for me. When I was in Thailand and Malaysia I met so many wonderful people from so many different backgrounds and I would love to do this again for longer.
Posted by Rosie at 11:16 0 comments
Monday, 11 May 2009
A very hectic life!
Clearly I have been a very busy bee and it is for this reason that I have neglected my blog. However! rehearsals are going well and although we changed the story on Saturday we are on schedule and will hopefully have a great show. I have learnt a lot from this project and although mistakes have been made we have learnt from them and very much got on with the job!
Build day is always a great day. It is a break from rehearsals and allows everyone to bond. Saturday was a nice sunny day and although we were working inside for most of it and were in two seperate space I do believe we needed that time to refresh ourselves. It worked. Yesterday we rehearsed 10-6 and acheived a hell of a lot.
Other than rehearsals all of us have been writing essays, dissertations, portfolios and rehearsing for other practical assessments. I have only one major problem at the moment and that is the library which seems to have a problem with opening times. During the Easter holidays it was closed on a couple of weekends and had shorter opening hours. On what planet are these people on? On the planet I'm on third years across the country are reading and writing a ridiculous amount and as a result need a space to work. Our library is not a place you can do this. All of the time there are complaints that people are always talking and playing music loudly, the other day I had to ask a group of 2nd years to keep the noise down. My point is the library needs to act more like a place of learning rather than an SU.
Posted by Rosie at 09:56 0 comments
Monday, 27 April 2009
The beginning of rehearsals
Posted by Rosie at 08:25 0 comments
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Hang On
Posted by Rosie at 16:31 0 comments
Friday, 17 April 2009
An adventure to a seat in the Old Vic
Posted by Rosie at 15:26 0 comments
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Burnt By theSun
Posted by Rosie at 11:50 0 comments
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Never let Mark live the dream again!

Posted by Rosie at 13:30 0 comments
Labels: Culzean Castle, Loch Lomond, Scotland, Sweetheart Abbey
Friday, 10 April 2009
Knee High presents...Brief Encounter
Posted by Rosie at 12:25 0 comments
Labels: Brief Encounter, Knee High, Noel Coward
Friday, 3 April 2009
Yesterday myself and Emma audtioned the actors in our project for the final show. It was as new to us as to some of the actors who had never auditoned before. We began the audtion with a few games; bang splat, zip zap boing and the chicken and the chair game. We then put chair in a line and put a piece of paper on each chair which had a description of a character for example an evil pixie, a depressed businessman. These were characters that had some relation to the characters in the play. The actors then had to stand on a chair and act out each character for 30 seconds. They did this at the same time and would rotate until they had done them all. After these warm ups we asked them to find groups of three and read through and rehearse a short scene from the show which we had given them. They then had to improvise the scene to relay the story. This exercise is similar to something I had done in the Chekhov lecture. Instead of them reading from the script it forces them to perform the story and really work as an ensemble. We then gave them a choice of three short monologues which they then had to read for the class.
Before the casting myself and Emma had many conversations looking at who we saw as each character. However after the casting we had both changed our minds on many of the characters. Last night we decided not to talk a lot about the casting, instead we came together today and discussed our ideas and came to a final decision. Suprisingly it did not take very long as we had both had similar thoughts.
We have posted the casting list and rehearsal schedule on facebook so take a look!
Posted by Rosie at 15:47 2 comments
Saturday, 28 March 2009
We have a story FINALLY
Posted by Rosie at 13:45 0 comments
A very emotional last workshop
On Friday we had our last workshop with th university group at AJS. We have worked with this class for 5 weeks now and it has been amazing. The workshops have been focused around creating a world and writing stories for this world which they then perform. The stories they have created have all been incredibly creative and I have learnt that you can imagine anything and it does not have to be censored. At the end of the workshop yesterday, we asked the students for thier feedback, all of their feedback was very positive with many commenting on the team building skills they had learnt. A lot of the children had loved the performance side of the workshops and had enjoyed being able to stand up and use the whole space. One boy said 'I'm speechless' and another boy explained that before these workshops he had 'not really been into drama, but now he loves it'. I think we could not have asked for better feedback, although negative feedback would have been good so we could see what went wrong. Sometimes I think it is difficult for children to give adults their honest feedback so we did explain to them that negative comments were just as good as positive comments. Clearly we were just brilliant and no negative feedback was necessary!
Posted by Rosie at 11:49 1 comments
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
The Robben Island Bible
Posted by Rosie at 19:08 0 comments
Labels: John Kani, Richmond Theatre, Robben Island
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
A bit of a crazy one...
Posted by Rosie at 16:24 0 comments
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Once upon a time....
I have participated in quite a few workshops now and it has become really clear that the children have got amazing imaginations. I truly believe we have the ability to create ANYTHING. The children have given us so many ideas that now we have to sit down and work out what ideas will work for us and them.
The creative team had a meeting on Thursday and we are taking the weekend to find stories from Greek and Egyptian mythology. Then we are going to come together on Monday and look at the main structures and the themes which run through the stories. Then we will pick our favourite and use this as a springboard for our story.
When I was thinking about the stories I liked from a child the first that came to my head was The Lion and the Mouse which is one of Aesop's fables. I think all of Aesop's fables are brilliant and I always loved reading them when I was younger. I like the fact that they are all very simple and have a clear beginning, middle and end and since they are fables all make a very clear point. Other stories I loved when I was a child were the Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh stories. I don’t think anyone can deny that A.A Milne was a brilliant writer.
When researching Greek myths I remembered read the story of Perseus and Medusa when I was at school. I enjoyed reading the story again and it allows your imagination to run wild. I can see in my minds eye the three Fates and creating the costume for Medusa. The story is this;
Once there was a good king, but he died. His bad brother killed him so that he could be king. The bad brother needed to get rid of the good king's wife (Danae) and baby (Perseus), but he was afraid to kill them too. So he put them in a wooden chest and he dropped the wooden chest in the ocean. After a long time they drifted ashore in a new kingdom. Perseus and his mother Danae stayed there while Perseus grew up. But after a while the king of the new place wanted to marry Danae, but she didn't want to marry him. This king wanted to get rid of Perseus for awhile so he could make Danae marry him. So the king sent Perseus on a quest, to kill the monster Medusa and bring back her head.
At first Perseus didn't know where to find Medusa, so he went and asked the three Fates. The Fates were very old and they only had one eye and one tooth between them and they took turns every day, passing the eye and the tooth between them. When Perseus came to them, at first they didn't want to tell him where Medusa was. But Perseus waited until they were passing the eye from one to another, and so none of them could see. Then he quick grabbed the eye! The Fates had to tell Perseus where Medusa was in order to get their eye back.
Then Perseus met the god Hermes, who gave him winged sandals to wear so he could fly to where Medusa was, and fight from the air. And he met the goddess Athena, who gave him a sword and a shield. Athena told Perseus not to look at Medusa or her ugliness would turn him to stone. Instead he should use the shield as a mirror and look in that to cut off Medusa's head.
Posted by Rosie at 16:07 0 comments
Sunday, 8 March 2009
The key to my heart <3
Yesterday myself and Mark went to see Stovepipe at West 12 shopping centre opposite Westfields. Lately I have gone off theatre a bit. I have not seen anything which has really grabbed me in the first few minutes so I've been wrongly or rightly getting a bit bored. But yesterday I was put back on track. Promenade theatre is the key to my heart I think. This show created by National Theatre, Bush Theatre and Hightide had everything a good play needed; good writing; good acting and good direction. I was completly engaged the whole time and really felt apart of the story. Sometimes I find it hard to relate to actors when they are on a typical stage but this was not the case yesterday. The whole cast were engaging and I was really able to connect with the story through them.
The show wasn't too in your face either. Although it is a play about Iraq and the impact war has on soldiers I didn't feel like I was being bombarded with a one-sided argument. I felt that I was being given the opportunity to make up my own mind.
Posted by Rosie at 21:56 0 comments
Labels: Bush Theatre, Iraq, National Theatre, Stovepipe
From Year 3 to Year 7 in a day!
This week was the beginning of our schools workshops. We are aiming for at least 30 and we have already done 4 so we are doing well. I have participated in 3 so far , 2 at Crane Park Primary and 1 at The Green School. Before we went into Crane Park I was really nervous as I had never done any drama workshops with primary school children before. However once we got started it was brilliant! The children really responded to our interpretation of Egypt and helped us a lot by using their imagination. We have lots of good material from them like a tree of sweets, a princess who is very friendly but is quite lonely because she isn’t like a normal girl. Going into the school proved to us that we can actually do anything in our show and as long as we believe in it the children will believe in it to.
The Year 7’s we worked with were very lively. They are a drama club and so are very enthusiastic about the whole project. I think they are very excited about the fact that will be helping us design the project. We started the workshop with a name game; Prisoner and Guard and then played Bang Splat which the children already knew how to play. Then we played Yes Lets which really got them riled up. After this I had to tell them a story but because they had so much energy I had to find a way to calm them down so I asked them to lie on the floor and take deep breaths in and out. This really helped and they listened to the story without any fidgeting or talking. We then put them into four different groups and they created an improvisation to finish off the story. The work they came up with was all really nice, though slightly 2-D but I think once we start working with them more they will create more meaty performances.
Posted by Rosie at 21:53 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Write what you know?
To start off the 'a night less ordinary' campaign by the Arts Council the Orange Tree offered under 26's to see Greenwash for free lastb night, as well as the chance to go to a pre show discussion with the writer.
I wish the dicussion had been after the show as it was diffciult to understand what everyone was on about. Sometimes I think its funny listening to writers because it is hard for them to be objective; or is that the same for everyone in theatre? At the end of the discussion someone asked 'what is the worst review you have had so far for the show?' David Lewis (the writer) replied with some ummming and erring and finally said a critic from The Times made a 'cheap shot at the american accents'. From the discussion I expected the show to be good, a few who in the audience who had seen the show before all seemed to have like it.
However, I was not particularly impressed by it. The story had the potential to be good but it lacked substance for me. I think this was partly a result of the acting which was over the top as well as the writing. But what irritated me the most was the american accents which were not very good. The whole show did not seem to understand americans and this really bothered me. I ask the question why not use american actors? During the discussion the Lewis explained that he had spent less than 4 weeks in America throughout his whole life. This really showed in the play itself. He clearly did not write what he knew about, rather he took what he had seen on tv and read in the news and wrote a play based on that.
Posted by Rosie at 11:31 0 comments
Labels: Greenwash, Orange Tree Theatre
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Does the audience matter?
Yesterday I helped Tuan lead the 1st year warm ups in the morning. The students were good and did try but they were somewhat talkative and it was difficult to get them to listen to us. Though Tuan was very good at getting thier attention. As there are so many of them (80 altogether, we only had about 50) it is difficult to play normal drama games so instead the warm up was more about physically warming up rather than mentally. We did play one game with the which was cat and mouse; this works well with them as the majority of the group stand on the edge and 10 are actually playing the game. Although this was the only game they played most of the exercises required to be silent which meant they could really channel their focus and be ready for the day ahead. I found the warm up really helped me to be ready for the day and also focused my attention on what I needed to do as sometimes I can be quite wayward and not get everything I need to do done.
After the warm up myself and Carolina sat and read The Clean House, an american play written by Sarah Ruhl. I personally find it difficult to read plays because I can never immerse myself into them as you would with a book. However I think we have found reading out loud together works well and helped us to follow the action. The play was a bit abstract but the humour was my sort of thing and so I found it was brilliant. I recommend reading it in one go rather than reading bits here and there. The play is ultimately about what makes you laugh and what makes you love.
I really enjoyed US Drama yesterday as my thoughts about theatre were very much questioned. The man who took the lecture was once a student at the Lee Strasberg school and so had been brought up on method acting. I always thought this was the practice I understood and liked the most however, this has changed. I came to realise that method acting was about the actor and it was the actors job to always be truthful. But I do not understand how you can make something on the stage true when it is clearly pretence. The audience know they are seeing a play and the actors know they are performing a play. How can there be truth in that? Another aspect I could not understand was that it was not the actors job to care about the audience. In my mind the actors are there for the audience. The audience are there for the actors. The actors have to know their audience and respond differently each night to accomodate the different audience. Otherwise each night the performance will be exactly the same but the audience will not be. I believe that the audience are the most important people at any performance. If the actor is only performing for themselves then I think that is slightly egotistical and it will show in their performance.
Posted by Rosie at 13:26 4 comments
Friday, 13 February 2009
Schools Schools Schools!
Myself and Danielle went to visit Alexander Juniour School yesterday. We were realy early so we sat in reception and reminised about our time at primary school. At the same time we got a good feel for the school. We watched the children coming and going from lunch, the teachers making sure they were all behaving and from the displays received a good sense of what the school wanted to achieve. I would definently recommend trying to get to schools a bit early just so you can get a feel for the school you will be working with.e
We met the two deputy heads of the school who were lovely. When we first went into their office we were both a bit scared but once we started chatting about the project and the teachers started telling us about what they hoped for both ours and the teachers enthuasim was flowing!
The school would like us to do a lot of work with them over the whole term and as much as I would love to do this I am worried that the other schools we will be working with will not get the same from us. However I think if we really organise our time well then I think we can do a lot with each school.
Another thing I am interested in doing is working with the parents. Like Danielle I believe it is really important that we focus on the link between parent and child. I think it is important that parents know what their children are doing at school and I think our project can help this a lot.
The one project I really want to do with Alexander Juniour is the book week! I think today children, teenagers and even young adults do not read enough. I think book week will be such a good chance to show the children why books are AMAZING! and they can learn to use their library properly (this was one thing the teachers were quite keen for us to do).
Posted by Rosie at 12:58 0 comments
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Its all a bit more real now!
The creative team (which I am involved with)@ are constantly bouncing ideas off of eachother and tomorrow we are going to do a workshop with the rest of the teams which will be lots of fun and hopefully we will acheive some more ideas.
I think I personally want to stick with Chiswick House, even though currently its being refurbished. I think its good to work with difficult spaces and as long as we create an impressive world I belive the audience will accept the building work going on around them. Its going to be hard but I think we can do it!
The prospect of working with the second years is also on my mind. I think its a good opportunity for them to see what community theatre is and we can achieve. I helped out on the project last year and it gave me a real insight to what drama in the community is. Originally, I was going to do the directing module but after seeing the third years in action last year I realied that community theatre was really what I wanted to do.
Posted by Rosie at 13:06 0 comments
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Finally Obama is President. Though I can't help feeling people are pinning everything on him. Will he be able to live up to all his promises? Whatever happens I think he is going to bring a lot of change to the US and hopefully the world.
I also finally signed the Gaza petition. In Durham of all places. I think we as a generation need to be more politically active and fight for what we belive in. Its not enough just to talk about it I think we need to do. May I remind you of the poem by Niemöller
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
Is it that we don't have the time anymore. Or because we live in the Western world we are not affected by what is happening abroad so we simply block it out.
It reminds me of an exhibition I saw earlier this week at the Baltic Art Gallery in Newcastle about Bernadette Devlin. At the age of 21 she is the youngest ever woman to be elected as an MP. Throuhgout the Northern Ireland troubles, Devlin was a key political activist for the Republicans.
Posted by Rosie at 16:28 1 comments
Labels: Barrack Obama, Bernadette Devlin, Niemoller
Saturday, 17 January 2009
To the North to see The Suggestibles
I arrived in Newcatsle yesterday with the news that I was off to see an improv comedy show. I was intrigued as I am not the biggest fan of improvisation, unless it is really very good. And this show was really exceptional!
From the beginning the audience were put at ease. They had a nice innocence about them, which is what I liked the most. They started off with a warm up game using storytelling and then played 'Freeze'. It was nice to see that these warm up games are not just used in class! Throughout the two hoiur show they played games and sang songs which were all improvised and all the themes given to them were suggested by the audience.
I was out with drama students from Northumbria University who had been having workshops with one of the players. They said he was really intertesting and they had liked the work they did with him. I'd love to get them down South and come to St Mary's!
Posted by Rosie at 15:57 0 comments
Labels: The Suggestibles
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Chiswick House Magic
Emma, Maria and I drove to Chiswick and Gardens this morning to have a wander around and spark our imagination. We walked around the garden and had our own mini adventure! The river passes through the gardens which I'm sure will have a part in our eventual show. As the gardens have a lot of pathways we have initially talked about creating a story which is a quest. We thought that stories which are about quests and adventures always have a very clear structure and we think that is probably needed for our show as we are most likely working with primary aged children. Walking around the gardens really did inspire us and we have already come up with some ideas for the story we will soon create.
I am really excited about the project moving forward and creating something that everyone is going to enjoy and have lots of fun with.
Posted by Rosie at 13:18 1 comments
Monday, 12 January 2009
1st Meeting Today!
Today we met in the Dolche and had a chat about DIC 2009 and the role of the creative team within the project. We are going to visit Chiswick House tomorrow morning to have a look around the grounds which I am very excited about!
We are also going to walk around the town and grab a coffee to get a feel for the people and what they are like.
We decided we should get our own folder so we can file the minutes of each meeting and keep together all our work so that everyone can get to it.
We are going to book to see How to Catch a Star at the Polka (if anyone wants to come let me know and we can arrange a date everyone is available).
All in all I think the meeting was successful and it was nice to have a chat. We decided that we will meet at 11am every monday in the dolche so thats where we'll be if anyone needs us!
Posted by Rosie at 14:41 1 comments